Monday, 17 March 2008


I converted to b&w in PSCS3 under Image-Adjustments-Black&White. I like all the preset choices of different col filters in this method. But I needed the top half different to the bottom so I did it in layers and converted one half at a time. I wanted the blue in the sea to be bright but wanted the bearded guys jeans to be darker. That was the main reason I did it in two goes. Also used a layer mask with levels and brushed back in in places. I'm trying to get more used to using masks. I can't get them to only apply to the layer you are working on. They seem to apply to every layer beneath them. There must be a way surely of only applying the mask to the layer you are working on.

The colour image was my first attempt. I see that I must have cropped it differently. I didn't like the way that the horizon sloped although there was of course no way to actually take the picture without it sloping unless I had the foreground on the wonk. I put the pic in BP and a lot of people liked it for the storyline but it didn't get anywhere so I have just been having another look at it. I selected a rectangular shape around the quay and some of the boats and made a layer and transformed and warped it to try and bring it level. I also took the distant land in the background and did the same thing and brought it down somewhat. Had to fix it too with a bit of cloning. Also I changed the sky. I have saved it in colour also.

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