This is one of my first photos so I thought it appropriate it should be a first post at Themes Photique 2008 - I took the image for a Digital Photo Comp entry under the Theme:- Blue (what a surprise) . It looks like fireworks but is a fibre optic lamp held infront of a mirror, camera held in other hand.
Hooray !! thanks to perfect instructions from Kate the image has finally arrived where it belongs. Apologies to one and all for delay and confusion.
I like how it looks like fireworks and love the colour and the repetition of the shapes. I like the movement in it and the comp!
AH! There it is! I couldn't find it when I looked before--a lovely and creative photo, great color and repetition! Hey, no fair, Kate already said what I was saying---all too true!
A very FUN picture! :-D
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