Saturday 9 May 2009

signes of spring


Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

That is a gorgeous photo, I love how you captured them going in different directions! I'm sorry I am so far behind on commenting.

Katie J said...

Yes a great shot Val to get both layers of workers in. My goodness there are four horses pulling the toop plough. They must get through a lot of hay in the winter for all their horses. But so nice to see them working like that. Glad you are around to show us Val!

val said...

such flattery you 2, just the luck to find them. had to adjust for lighting as it was getting dark and sun was in the wrong place, but I couldn't figure out why 2 of them on the same field.....

Katie J said...

In a hurry to get that field sown maybe. You did doubly well then with the light!

val said...

I had to lighten it a bit....

kiwi said...

A lovely capture - its certainly not something you would see every day - a job well done !!!

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

It looks very good--and moody!

Moody lighting.