Sorry I have had to put this under Wide, Normal and Close. I imagine the idea was to shoot something from the same position more or less but I meant for this to go on FFT and this was my way of not having to redo it. But as you see we had a wonderful position overlooking the beach. It is a little self catering cottage. The window at the front is the lounge. The extension at the side is the kitch - open plan. The lady at the house at the back made meals that she kept in her freezer and you could order them and heat them up with added veggies if you wanted to stay in. We had lasagna one night. Other nights we went to the Vine Cafe but you have to book one day ahead. No choice of menu everyone has the same. You sit down at 8pm and bring your own wine or beer. Everyone is served at the same time. One night she had a charity curry night to support the place where the secondary school children have to stay on the main island, St Mary's, during the week. For puddings we had a choice of 3. It was marvellous home made food. Other days we would eat out during the day on other islands and come home and fix beans on toast or something like that.

Here is a view looking back towards the little cottage we stayed in it is the one in the top half close to the left and which is the first one the little track leads to
Oh poo I thought I was posting this in FFT now I shall have to find a theme to fit it or I will have to do it all again.
OK I am going for wide normal and close and I will add a closer one of the cottage though it won't be from this angle. Hope I havn't spoilt the theme. Presumably it is meant to be taken from the same position.
It's fine, silly--this is for US! If it's not for us, who is it for! RELAX!
And the pictures are wonderful and scenic and lovely and I am envious and wish I were THERE!!!!!!
I love these pix! You keep posting such NICE PIX!!!!!!!!
They are wonderful made big!
was that first one with a very wide angle lens? Or could you somehow see all that with a normal lens?
I have now added the close one. The first one is my everyday workhorse 18-70 lens. I love that it goes out to 18 as it is real good also for taking group pictures and managine to get everyone in. So that would have been at 18. The second one was most likely the same lens at 70mm but taken from further down the hill. The top one well - it is not really a close up is it but it is much closer than the others!!
Glad you liked them. Would be a great place for a Photique Photoshoot one day wouldn't it! But expensive. We paid £750 for the week for that place. It is expensive on the Scillies and especially the smaller islands are not too many places to rent.
I had looked at the photos on theme, but I agree with Mary, please this is just us and friendly. what a lovely place to visit and walk about. I can imagine the myriad of photo ops..... keep them coming....
Thanks for being "just us"! And thanks for liking the pics!
I do like them--I love them. YAY!
An dyes, friendly and fun, that's what we're all about. Let's play and relax and learn and enjoy!
As for wide, normal and close, you could take it from the same place or of the same things or portion of them, or just find things that make really good wide, medium and close pix.
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